WHOIS Domain Lookup

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The WHOIS database contains listings of all registered domain names on the internet. It is maintained and regularly updated by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

The database can be used to obtain information and records of domain names, like registration and expiration dates, current domain registrar and name servers, as well as the owner’s personal contact information.

To register a domain, you need to submit personal information, including your name, address, phone number, and email for verification.

This information is stored on the public WHOIS database as a listing that anyone can access using a WHOIS query. This doesn’t include domains registered in the EU and protected by the GDPR, or that have their details hidden using the Domain Privacy Protection service.

WHOIS privacy protection secures registrants’ details by replacing them with the details of a proxy server. Otusly users enjoy this perk for free. It is enabled for all recently purchased domains and can be turned on via Otusly Dashboard.